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Nutritional Content of Seafood which is Good for Health

In addition to its delicious taste, seafood or seafood is popular because it contains a lot of nutrients that are good for the body. The content of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and seafood vitamins and minerals are too important to pass up. Seafood or seafood is known as a source of various nutrients which include protein, amino acids, and vitamins and minerals. Maritime food is also known to contain functional nutrients that are not present in animals that live on land. These components include omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexsaenoic acid (DHA), which help prevent atherosclerosis and blockages in blood vessels that cause strokes and heart attacks.

Seafood Nutrition Not To Be Missed

The following are the nutritional contents of a variety of seafood and their benefits:
  • Protein

  • Seafood is a source of high-quality protein because it is generally low in bad fats, and contains amino acids that are easily absorbed and digested by the body. The protein content in seafood is useful for growth in children, adolescents, and even adults. In addition to satiating, protein in seafood is also good for muscle health, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. All seafood, including all types of fish, contain protein. However, tuna is the type of fish with the best protein, because it contains low fat and calories. Salmon also has a good protein content, in addition to high omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

  • In addition to proteins and amino acids, such as anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering taurine, seafood also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which consist of DHA and EPA. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that are found in fish whose flesh is red, such as tuna, salmon, bloating, cob, mackerel, pomfret, cakalang, mackerel, and sardines. Besides fish, other seafood containing omega-3 acids are oysters, shrimp, and lobster. There are three types of omega-3 namely alpha linolenic acid (ALA), EPA, and DHA. EPA and DHA are forms of omega-3 that are found in seafood, while ALA is found in plants, such as flaxseed. A number of studies have revealed that omega-3 has many benefits for various diseases, including cancer, asthma, depression, heart disease, ADHD, and rheumatoid arthritis. EPA is anti-inflammatory, while DHA plays an important role in brain health and brain development of children. DHA is widely used for the treatment of dementia, coronary heart disease, and ADHD. DHA is also useful for improving vision, preventing depression, preventing eye diseases related to age factors, such as macular degeneration.
  • Vitamin

  • Seafood also contains a number of vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and B12. Examples of seafood that contain vitamin A are cobs, salmon, and tuna. Examples of seafood that contain vitamin D are salmon, tuna, sardines, oysters, and shrimp. Seafood containing vitamin E include octopus, salmon, abalone, and lobster. While seafood containing vitamin B12 include tuna, tuna, sardines, oysters, and crabs.
  • Mineral

  • Fish and other seafood, including shellfish and shrimp, also contain many minerals such as iodine, selenium, calcium, potassium, and iron. The mineral content in seafood is very good for health, for example iron which is useful to prevent anemia, and iodine to prevent mumps. Examples of seafood containing high minerals include salmon, sardines, tuna, and tuna.
  • Carbohydrates and fiber

  • Although in low levels, seafood also contains carbohydrates and fiber which is good for health. Seaweed has the highest fiber content among other seafood. Besides being processed as food, seaweed is also used for beauty products and medicines.

Beware of Mercury in Seafood

Although fish and other seafood provide a lot of nutrients, some of them have high mercury content and should be avoided especially by pregnant women and children. The types of seafood include sharks, tuna, swordfish, marlin, grouper, stingray, and snapper. If you don't like eating seafood, you can get the nutritional content of fish by taking fish oil supplements or supplements that contain DHA. Although good for health, seafood is not recommended for consumption too often. The recommended amount of consumption is enough 2-3 servings per week, plus the intake of other nutrients from fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
